Dorcel VR – High Class Porn At High Class Price

Dorcel VR – High Class Porn At High Class Price

Screenshot_1-784x545Dorcel has long been one of the fancier porn sites, and its VR selection is no excuse.

It features a Soft and Hard experience (the Soft being a free trailer to whet your appetite for more as you play the director of a porn movie), and the full bundle comes with 3 TV shows.

The videos are HD with 360 degrees of vision, and their compatibility surpasses other sites by including not only the Samsung Gear, Google Cardboard, and Oculus Rift, but also the Homido. Because this is premium stuff though, the price is $10.96 in total – almost half of what a month subscription to other sites would get you.

Still, if you have the money, it’s a pretty inclusive experience, featuring anal, missionary, and solo all in one. Alas, it’s only 7 minutes so again, probably a last resort for many.

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